PWC Kobarid - Slovenia

08 -13 June 1999

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Task 1 PWC Kobarid

After a rainy first day, the announced sun is there to start the competition.

With a "brutal" 8:00AM morning briefing crowded by people still in pijama, the transportation of the pilots to the take off began at 08:15 AM. Supported by the army, the jeeps and vans climbed the hill up to the 1100m take-off.

The day looked a bit too windy and the pilots had to stay for several hours waiting for the conditions to improve, this turned up beeing a good decision because at 15:00h a good task was set. For the day, the pilot committee composed by Alex Suster & Jimmy Pacher and the meet director Bojan Marcic, decided a 56Km task across two different valleys. The window opened at 15:15h and the 118 pilots launched for an air-start at 16:00h.

The wind was from NE with about 10Km/h and the presence of a 20:00Km/h valley wind made things a bit difficult for those who flew too low. The cloud base was at about 2000m and the thermals up to 6m/s.

After a beautiful and very fast flight, 96 pilots reached goal lead by the swiss pilot nƒ9, Kari Eisenhut - Switzerland.

Slo_T1_land1_p.jpg (2436 octets)


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Kari Heisenhut once again wins a task


A good weather forecast is announced, at least, two more good tasks. Let's hope so!!


Results in Acrobat standard

Serial class

Open class

Slovenia task 1 (PWC task 6)
Official Results




Task 2 PWC Kobarid  

In Slovenia the weather forecast is quite surprising precise!

This day started cloudy and with no visual prespectives of good flying weather. Meanwhile, the forecast was announcing a flyable interval during the afternoon. In fact, the interval appeared and the task was set. A 60Km flight, taking-off at 13:15h and an air-start at turn-point I.

The conditions at the start weren't the best and the valley wind produced some heavy turbulence for those flying low. A lot of pilots sank trying to get directly from the start-point to the next one, while the rest had to fly back into the mountains catching hight at flying along the reedge.

Inspite of the announced SW wind, the E valley wind didn't get weaker, causing some troubles to the pilots making turn-point Nƒ1 in Tolmin.

After turn-point "O" in Bovec, two groups were organised and flew seperate ways resulting in some big inversion of placements. As a result, we had a task won by the french pilot nƒ16 (David Dagault) and the first ten controled by the french with 4 pilots in the top ten.

Next day will be a rest day due to rain. The prespectives for Saturday are good and will be probably a flying day.

Results in Acrobat standard

Serial class

Open class

Slovenia task 2 (PWC task 7)
Official results




Task 3 PWC Kobarid  

08:00h the weather prognosis is not the best !

All activities are delayed in one hour.

At 09:00h, after a small briefing, the organisation decides to go up. Pilots and gliders get into the transportation and go to take off. Under a not very good forecast, the committee decided to try a task, using some turn-points always in the same valley making possible a quick and easy cancellation in case of bad weather.

The window opened at 12:30h for an air-start at Kobarid at 13:15h. Unfortunatly, the clouds were getting bigger and bigger, developing into congestus form and producing some showers.

There were already some showers at take off when the meet director decided to cancel the task at 13:40.

So, without sunday as a flying day, this third PWC is finished.

The general ballance is of a good flying site with interesting possibilities, very good weather forecast services and a team that, at a technical level, know very well how to deal with the conditions and set tasks. In general we can say it was a good comp, well organised and with good flying.

Competition results

Results in Acrobat standard

Serial class

Open class

Slovenian competition results after Task 2.
Official results



PWC Results

Results in Acrobat standard

Serial class

Open class

PWC results after Task 2 in Slovenia.
Official results

